


Whole-brain dynamics and hormonal shifts throughout women's lifespan: From reproductive stages to menopausal transition and beyond
Anira Escrichs, Daniela Avila-Varela, Gustavo A. Patow, Yonatan Sanz Perl, Belinda Pletzer, Petra Ritter
Downscaling with benefits: A road forward for capturing intra-individual variations in personality
Anne-Kathrin Schock, Tobias Hausinger, Belinda Pletzer
Personality and Individual Differences
Effects of evening smartphone use on sleep and declarative memory consolidation in male adolescents and young adults
Christopher Höhn, Michael a Hahn, Georg Gruber, Belinda Pletzer, Christian Cajochen, Kerstin Hoedlmoser
Brain communications
Reproducible stability of verbal and spatial functions along the menstrual cycle
Belinda Pletzer, Hannah Bodenbach, Marcel Hoehn, Linda Hajdari, Tobias Hausinger, Isabel Noachtar, Adriene M. Beltz
Whole-brain dynamics across the menstrual cycle: the role of hormonal fluctuations and age in healthy women
Daniela S. Avila-Varela, Esmeralda Hidalgo-Lopez, Paulina Clara Dagnino, Irene Acero-Pousa, Elvira del Agua, Gustavo Deco, Belinda Pletzer, Anira Escrichs
npj Women's Health


Hearing loss, depression, and cognition in younger and older adult CI candidates
Maria Huber, Lisa Reuter, Lennart Weitgasser, Belinda Pletzer, Sebastian Rösch, Angelika Illg
Frontiers in Neurology
Mental Health Symptoms in Oral Contraceptive Users During Short-Term Hormone Withdrawal
Isabel A. Noachtar, Vibe G. Frokjaer, Belinda Pletzer
JAMA Network Open
Emotion recognition and mood along the menstrual cycle
Belinda Pletzer, Isabel Noachtar
Hormones and Behavior
Hormonal contraception & face processing: examining face gender, androgenicity & treatment duration
Belinda Pletzer, Isabel Noachtar, Esmeralda Hidalgo Lopez
Whole-brain dynamics and hormonal fluctuations across the menstrual cycle: The role of progesterone and age in healthy women
Daniela S. Avila-Varela, Esmeralda Hidalgo-Lopez, Paulina Clara Dagnino, Irene Acero-Pousa, Elvira del Agua, Gustavo Deco, Belinda Pletzer, Anira Escrichs
Triple network model of brain connectivity changes related to adverse mood effects in an oral contraceptive placebo-controlled trial
Esmeralda Hidalgo-Lopez, Jonas Engman, Inger Sundström Poromaa, Malin Gingnell, Belinda Pletzer
Translational Psychiatry


Weak associations between personality and contraceptive choice
Belinda Pletzer, Carmen Lang, Birgit Derntl, Ramune Griksiene
Frontiers in Neuroscience
Duration of oral contraceptive use relates to cognitive performance and brain activation in current and past users
Isabel Asar Noachtar, Esmeralda Hidalgo Lopez, Belinda Pletzer
Frontiers in Endocrinology
Estradiol during (analogue-)trauma: Risk- or protective factor for intrusive re-experiencing?
Laila K. Franke, Stephan F. Miedl, Sarah K. Danböck, Johanna Lohse, Michael Liedlgruber, Paul-Christian Bürkner, Belinda Pletzer, Frank H. Wilhelm
Eye-Movements During Navigation in a Virtual Environment: Sex Differences and Relationship to Sex Hormones
TiAnni Harris, Johanna Hagg, Belinda Pletzer
Frontiers in Neuroscience
Sex and strategy effects on brain activation during a 3D-navigation task
Isabel Noachtar, Ti-Anni Harris, Esmeralda Hidalgo-Lopez, Belinda Pletzer
Communications Biology
Oral contraceptives modulate the relationship between resting brain activity, amygdala connectivity and emotion recognition – a resting state fMRI study
Shanice Mentin-Henry, Esmeralda Hidalgo-Lopez, Markus Aichhorn, Martin Kronbichler, Hubert Kerschbaum, Belinda Pletzer
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience


The gonadal response to social stress and its relationship to cortisol
Belinda Pletzer, Eefje S. Poppelaars, Johannes Klackl, Eva Jonas
Stress: the International Journal on Biology of Stress
Can Cochlear Implantation in Older Adults Reverse Cognitive Decline Due to Hearing Loss?
Maria Huber, Sebastian Roesch, Belinda Pletzer, Julia Lukaschyk, Anke Lesinski-Schiedat, Angelika Illg
Ear and Hearing
How Smart Is It to Go to Bed with the Phone? The Impact of Short-Wavelength Light and Affective States on Sleep and Circadian Rhythms
Sarah Rebecca Schmid, Christopher Höhn, Kathrin Bothe, Christina P. Plamberger, Monika Angerer, Belinda Pletzer, Kerstin Hoedlmoser
Clocks & Sleep
Impact of menstrual cycle phase and oral contraceptives on sleep and overnight memory consolidation
Christina Paula Plamberger, Helen Elisabeth Van Wijk, Hubert Kerschbaum, Belinda Angela Pletzer, Georg Gruber, Karin Oberascher, Martin Dresler, Michael Andreas Hahn, Kerstin Hoedlmoser
Journal of Sleep Research
Delta-beta cross-frequency coupling as an index of stress regulation during social-evaluative threat
Eefje S. Poppelaars, Johannes Klackl, Belinda Pletzer, Eva Jonas
Biological Psychology
The Missing Link: Global-Local Processing Relates to Number-Magnitude Processing in Women
Belinda Pletzer, Andrea Scheuringer, Ti Anni Harris, Thomas Scherndl
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General
Preliminary Results: The Impact of Smartphone Use and Short-Wavelength Light during the Evening on Circadian Rhythm, Sleep and Alertness
Christopher Höhn, Sarah R. Schmid, Christina P. Plamberger, Kathrin Bothe, Monika Angerer, Georg Gruber, Belinda Pletzer, Kerstin Hoedlmoser
Clocks & Sleep
Neuroimaging the menstrual cycle: A multimodal systematic review
Manon Dubol, C. Neill Epperson, Julia Sacher, Belinda Pletzer, Birgit Derntl, Rupert Lanzenberger, Inger Sundström-Poromaa, Erika Comasco
Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology


Eye-movements during number comparison: Associations to sex and sex hormones
Larissa Schulte, Stefan Hawelka, Belinda Angela Pletzer
Physiology & Behavior
Intra-subject consistency of spontaneous eye blink rate in young women across the menstrual cycle
Esmeralda Hidalgo-Lopez, Georg Zimmermann, Belinda Pletzer
Scientific Reports
Psychometric properties of the multifaceted gender-related attributes survey (GERAS)
Freya Magdalena Gruber, Eva-Maria Distlberger, Thomas Scherndl, Tuulia M. Ortner, Belinda Angela Pletzer
European Journal of Psychological Assessment
Predicting ovulation from brain connectivity: Dynamic causal modelling of the menstrual cycle
Esmeralda Hidalgo-Lopez, Peter Zeidman, Tianni Harris, Adeel Razi, Belinda Pletzer
What's in a Hub?-Representing Identity in Language and Mathematics
Aditi Arora, Belinda Pletzer, Markus Aichhorn, Josef Perner
Cognition in older adults with severe to profound sensorineural hearing loss compared to peers with normal hearing for age
Maria Huber, Sebastian Roesch, Belinda Angela Pletzer, Julia Lukaschyk, Anke Lesinski-Schiedat, Angelika Illg
International Journal of Audiology
Human menstrual cycle variation in subcortical functional brain connectivity: a multimodal analysis approach
Esmeralda Hidalgo-Lopez, Karsten Mueller, Ti Anni Harris, Markus Aichhorn, Julia Sacher, Belinda Pletzer
Brain Structure and Function
Use of an estradiol-based combined oral contraceptives has no influence on attentional bias or depressive symptoms in healthy women
Andrea Scheuringer, Cecilia Lundin, Birgit Derntl, Belinda Pletzer, Inger Sundström Poromaa


Data for “Social-evaluative threat: Stress response stages and influences of biological sex and neuroticism”
Eefje S. Poppelaars, Johannes Klackl, Belinda Angela Pletzer, Frank Wilhelm, Eva Jonas
Data in Brief
Social-evaluative threat: Stress response stages and influences of biological sex and neuroticism
Eefje S. Poppelaars, Johannes Klackl, Belinda Pletzer, Frank H. Wilhelm, Eva Jonas
The cycling brain: menstrual cycle related fluctuations in hippocampal and fronto-striatal activation and connectivity during cognitive tasks
Belinda Pletzer, Ti Anni Harris, Andrea Scheuringer, Esmeralda Hidalgo-Lopez
Individual differences in the effect of menstrual cycle on basal ganglia inhibitory control
Esmeralda Hidalgo-Lopez, Belinda Pletzer
Scientific Reports
Previous contraceptive treatment relates to grey matter volumes in the hippocampus and basal ganglia
Belinda Pletzer, Ti Anni Harris, Esmeralda Hidalgo-Lopez
Scientific Reports
Beyond Biological Sex: Interactive Effects of Gender Role and Sex Hormones on Spatial Abilities
Belinda Pletzer, Julia Steinbeisser, Lara van Laak, Ti Anni Harris
Frontiers in Neuroscience
Perspective and strategy interactively modulate sex differences in a 3D navigation task
TiAnni Harris, Andrea Scheuringer, Belinda Pletzer
Biology of Sex Differences
Activity-oriented teaching of stochastics in elementary school
Ulrike Kipman, Anton Kühberger, Belinda Pletzer
British Journal of Educational Psychology


Subcortical structural changes along the menstrual cycle: beyond the hippocampus
Belinda Pletzer, Ti Anni Harris, Esmeralda Hidalgo-Lopez
Scientific Reports
Sex differences and functional hemispheric asymmetries during number comparison
Tianni Harris, Andrea Scheuringer, Belinda Pletzer
Biology of Sex Differences


Sex differences in verbal fluency: the role of strategies and instructions
Andrea Scheuringer, Ramona Wittig, Belinda Pletzer
Cognitive Processing
Sex and menstrual cycle influences on three aspects of attention
Belinda Angela Pletzer, Ti-Anni Harris, Tuulia M. Ortner
Physiology & Behavior
Interactive effects of dopamine baseline levels and cycle phase on executive functions: The role of Progesterone
Esmeralda Hidalgo-Lopez, Belinda Angela Pletzer
Frontiers in Neuroscience
Global-local processing relates to spatial and verbal processing: Implications for sex differences in cognition
Belinda Angela Pletzer, Andrea Scheuringer, Thomas Scherndl
Scientific Reports


Spacing and presentation modes affect the unit-decade compatibility effect during number comparison
Belinda Angela Pletzer, Andrea Scheuringer, Ti-Anni Harris
Experimental Psychology
Behavioural evidence for sex differences in the overlap between subtraction and multiplication
Belinda Pletzer, Korbinian Moeller, Andrea Scheuringer, Frank Domahs, Hubert H. Kerschbaum, Hans Christoph Nuerk
Cognitive Processing
Components of mathematics anxiety: Factor modeling of the MARS30-brief
Belinda Pletzer, Guilherme Wood, Thomas Scherndl, Hubert H. Kerschbaum, Hans Christoph Nuerk
Frontiers in Psychology


Schooling relates to mental health problems in adolescents with cochlear implants-Mediation by hearing and family variables
Maria Huber, Belinda Pletzer, Alexandros Giourgas, Andreas Nickisch, Silke Kunze, Angelika Illg
Frontiers in Psychology
Interactive effects of culture and sex hormones on the sex role self-concept
Belinda Pletzer, Ourania Petasis, Tuulia M. Ortner, Larry Cahill
Frontiers in Neuroscience
Impulsivity relates to striatal gray matter volumes in humans: evidence from a delay discounting paradigm
Melanie Tschernegg, Belinda Pletzer, Philipp Schwartenbeck, Philipp Ludersdorfer, Uta Hoffmann, Martin Kronbichler
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience
Mathematics anxiety reduces default mode network deactivation in response to numerical tasks
Belinda Pletzer, Martin Kronbichler, Hans Christoph Nuerk, Hubert H. Kerschbaum
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience


50 years of hormonal contraception: time to find out, what it does to our brain
Belinda A. Pletzer, Hubert H. Kerschbaum
Frontiers in Neuroscience
Reading instead of reasoning?: Predictors of arithmetic skills in children with cochlear implants
Maria Huber, Ulrike Kipman, Belinda Pletzer
International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology
Hormonal contraceptives masculinize brain activiation patterns in the absense of behavioral changes in two numerical tasks
Belinda Pletzer, Martin Kronbichler, Hans Christoph Nuerk, Hubert Kerschbaum
Brain Research
Predictors of stochastics achievement in primary school pupils
U Kipman, A Fritz, B Pletzer, Anton Kühberger
Online Educational Research Journal


Sex differences in the processing of global vs. local stimulus aspects in a two-digit number comparison task: an fMRI study
Belinda Pletzer, Martin Kronbichler, Hans Christoph Nuerk, Hubert Kerschbaum


Menstrual cycle variations in the BOLD-response to a number bisection task: Implications for research on sex differences
Belinda Pletzer, Martin Kronbichler, Gunther Ladurner, Hans Christoph Nuerk, Hubert Kerschbaum
Brain Research


Predictors of performance in a real-life statistics examination depend on the individual cortisol profile
Belinda Pletzer, Guilherme Wood, Korbinian Moeller, Hans Christoph Nuerk, Hubert H. Kerschbaum
Biological Psychology
Menstrual cycle and hormonal contraceptive use modulate human brain structure
Belinda Pletzer, Martin Kronbichler, Markus Aichhorn, Jürgen Bergmann, Gunther Ladurner, Hubert H. Kerschbaum
Brain Research
When frequencies never synchronize: the golden mean and the resting EEG
Belinda Pletzer, Hubert Kerschbaum, Wolfgang Klimesch
Brain Research


Corticosterone response in a resident-intruder-paradigm depends on social state and coping style in adolescent male Balb-C mice
Belinda Pletzer, Wolfgang Klimesch, Karin Oberascher-Holzinger, Hubert Kerschbaum
Neuroendocrinology Letters