- Interactive and additive effects of word frequency and predictability: A fixation-related fMRI study
- Sarah Schuster, Kim-Lara Weiss, Florian Hutzler, Martin Kronbichler, Stefan Hawelka
- Brain and Language
- An extended logarithmic visualization improves forecasting accuracy for exponentially growing numbers, but residual difficulties remain
- Ben H. Engler, Florian Hutzler, Stefan Hawelka
- International Journal of Forecasting
- Austrian NeuroCloud: FAIRes und vertrauenswürdiges Forschungsdatenmanagement
- Florian Hutzler, Nicole Alexandra Himmelstoß
- Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung
- The role of parent-adolescent relationship quality and callous-unemotional traits on sexual prejudice in adolescence
- Raffael Bruckner, Sarah Schuster, Florian Hutzler
- Frontiers in Developmental Psychology
- Placebo effect after visual restitution training: no eye-tracking controlled perimetric improvement after visual border stimulation in late subacute and chronic visual field defects after stroke
- Michael C. Leitner, Anja-Maria Ladek, Florian Hutzler, Herbert Reitsamer, Stefan Hawelka
- Frontiers in Neurology
- Stronger functional connectivity during reading contextually predictable words in slow readers
- Kim-Lara Weiss, Stefan Hawelka, Florian Hutzler, Sarah Schuster
- Scientific Reports
- The effect of masks on the recognition of facial expressions: A true-to-life study on the perception of basic emotions
- Michael Christian Leitner, Verena Meurer, Florian Hutzler, Sarah Schuster, Stefan Hawelka
- Frontiers in Psychology
- Impaired semantic categorization during transcranial direct current stimulation of the left and right inferior parietal lobule
- Federica Longo, Mario Braun, Florian Hutzler, Fabio Richlan
- Journal of Neurolinguistics
- Anticipating trajectories of exponential growth
- Florian Hutzler, Fabio Richlan, Michael Christian Leitner, Sarah Schuster, Mario Braun, Stefan Hawelka
- Royal Society Open Science
- Eye-tracking-based visual field analysis (EFA): a reliable and precise perimetric methodology for the assessment of visual field defects
- Michael Leitner, Florian Hutzler, Sarah Schuster, Lorenzo Vignali, Patrick Marvan, Herbert A. Reitsamer, Stefan Hawelka
- BMJ Open Ophthalmology
- Cloze enough?: Hemodynamic effects of predictive processing during natural reading
- Sarah Schuster, Nicole Alexandra Himmelstoss, Florian Hutzler, Fabio Richlan, Martin Kronbichler, Stefan Hawelka
- NeuroImage
- The neural correlates of word position and lexical predictability during sentence reading: evidence from fixation-related fMRI
- Sarah Schuster, Stefan Hawelka, Nicole Alexandra Himmelstoss, Fabio Richlan, Florian Hutzler
- Language, Cognition and Neuroscience
- Peripheral preview abolishes N170 face-sensitivity at fixation: Using fixation-related potentials to investigate dynamic face processing
- Peter de Lissa, Genevieve McArthur, Stefan Hawelka, Romina Palermo, Yatin Mahajan, Federica Degno, Florian Hutzler
- Visual Cognition
- The SLS-Berlin: Validation of a German computer-based screening test to measure reading proficiency in early and late adulthood
- Jana Lüdtke, Eva Fröhlich, Arthur M. Jacobs, Florian Hutzler
- Frontiers in Psychology
- Spill the load: Mixed evidence for a foveal load effect, reliable evidence for a spillover effect in eye-movement control during reading
- Eva Findelsberger, Florian Hutzler, Stefan Hawelka
- Attention, Perception & Psychophysics
- No Effect of cathodal tDCS of the posterior parietal cortex on parafoveal preprocessing of words
- Lorenzo Vignali, Stefan Hawelka, Florian Hutzler, Fabio Richlan
- Neuroscience Letters
- A model-guided dissociation between subcortical and cortical contributions to word recognition
- Mario Braun, Martin Kronbichler, Fabio Richlan, Stefan Hawelka, Florian Hutzler, Arthur M. Jacobs
- Scientific Reports
- An investigation of parafoveal masks with the incremental boundary paradigm
- Florian Hutzler, Sarah Schuster, Christina Marx, Stefan Hawelka
- Processing of parafoveally presented words: An fMRI study
- Lorenzo Vignali, Stefan Hawelka, Florian Hutzler, Fabio Richlan
- NeuroImage
- First gender, then attractiveness: Indications of gender-specific attractiveness processing via ERP onsets
- Claus-Christian Carbon, Stella J. Faerber, M Dorothee Augustin, Bernhard Mitterer, Florian Hutzler
- Neuroscience Letters
- Action video gaming and the brain: fMRI effects without behavioral effects in visual and verbal cognitive tasks
- Fabio Richlan, Juliane Schubert, Rebecca Mayer, Florian Hutzler, Martin Kronbichler
- Brain and Behavior
- Inducing Thought Processes: Bringing Process Measures and Cognitive Processes Closer Together
- Michael Schulte-Mecklenbeck, Anton Kühberger, Benjamin Gagl, Florian Hutzler
- Journal of Behavioral Decision Making
- Unto the third generation: Evidence for strong familial aggregation of physicians, psychologists, and psychotherapists among first-year medical and psychology students in a nationwide Austrian cohort census
- Ulrich S. Tran, Nina Berger, Martin E. Arendasy, Tobias Greitemeyer, Monika Himmelbauer, Florian Hutzler, Hans Georg Kraft, Karl Oettl, Ilona Papousek, Oliver Vitouch, Martin Voracek
- BMC Medical Education
- Foveal processing difficulty does not affect parafoveal preprocessing in young readers
- Christina Monika Marx, Stefan Hawelka, Sarah Schuster, Florian Hutzler
- Scientific Reports
- Words in Context: The Effects of Length, Frequency, and Predictability on Brain Responses during Natural Reading
- Sarah Schuster, Stefan Hawelka, Florian Hutzler, Martin Kronbichler, Fabio Richlan
- Cerebral Cortex
- Oscillatory Brain Dynamics during Sentence Reading: a Fixation-Related Spectral Perturbation Analysis
- Lorenzo Vignali, Nicole A Himmelstoss, Stefan Hawelka, Fabio Richlan, Florian Hutzler
- Frontiers in Human Neuroscience
- Left ventral occipitotemporal activation during orthographic and semantic processing of auditory words
- Philipp Ludersdorfer, Heinz Wimmer, Fabio Richlan, Matthias Schurz, Florian Hutzler, Martin Kronbichler
- NeuroImage
- On the Development of Parafoveal Preprocessing: Evidence from the Incremental Boundary Paradigm
- Christina Monika Marx, Florian Hutzler, Sarah Schuster, Stefan Hawelka
- Frontiers in Psychology
- Eyes on words: A fixation-related fMRI study of the left occipito-temporal cortex during self-paced silent reading of words and pseudowords
- Sarah Schuster, Stefan Hawelka, Fabio Richlan, Philipp Ludersdorfer, Florian Hutzler
- Scientific Reports
- Many neighbors are not silent. fMRI evidence for global lexical activity in visual word recognition
- Mario Braun, Arthur M. Jacobs, Fabio Richlan, Stefan Hawelka, Florian Hutzler, Martin Kronbichler
- Frontiers in Human Neuroscience
- An incremental boundary study on parafoveal preprocessing in children reading aloud: Parafoveal masks overestimate the preview benefit
- Christina Marx, Stefan Hawelka, Sarah Schuster, Florian Hutzler
- Journal of Cognitive Psychology
- The neural bases of the pseudohomophone effect: Phonological constraints on lexico-semantic access in reading
- M. Braun, F. Hutzler, T. F. Münte, M. Rotte, M. Dambacher, F. Richlan, A. M. Jacobs
- Neuroscience
- On forward inferences of fast and slow readers: An eye movement study
- Stefan Hawelka, Sarah Schuster, Benjamin Gagl, Florian Hutzler
- Scientific Reports
- Fixation-related FMRI analysis in the domain of reading research: using self-paced eye movements as markers for hemodynamic brain responses during visual letter string processing
- Fabio Richlan, Benjamin Gagl, Stefan Hawelka, Mario Braun, Matthias Schurz, Martin Kronbichler, Florian Hutzler
- Cerebral Cortex
- A similar correction mechanism in slow and fluent readers after suboptimal landing positions
- Benjamin Gagl, Stefan Hawelka, Florian Hutzler
- Frontiers in Human Neuroscience
- Fixation location on upright and inverted faces modulates the N170
- Peter de Lissa, Genevieve McArthur, Stefan Hawelka, Romina Palermo, Yatin Mahajan, Florian Hutzler
- Neuropsychologia
- Parafoveal preprocessing in reading revisited: evidence from a novel preview manipulation
- Benjamin Gagl, Stefan Hawelka, Fabio Richlan, Sarah Schuster, Florian Hutzler
- Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning Memory and Cognition
- Beyond single syllables: The effect of first syllable frequency and orthographic similarity on eye movements during silent reading
- Stefan Hawelka, Sarah Schuster, Benjamin Gagl, Florian Hutzler
- Language and Cognitive Processes
- Parafoveal X-masks interfere with foveal word recognition: Evidence from fixation-related brain potentials
- Florian Hutzler, Isabella Fuchs, Benjamin Gagl, Sarah Schuster, Fabio Richlan, Mario Braun, Stefan Hawelka
- Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience
- A new high-speed visual stimulation method for gaze-contingent eye movement and brain activity studies
- Fabio Richlan, Benjamin Gagl, Sarah Schuster, Stefan Hawelka, Josef Humenberger, Florian Hutzler
- Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience
- Systematic influence of gaze position on pupil size measurement: analysis and correction
- Benjamin Gagl, Stefan Hawelka, Florian Hutzler
- Behavior Research Methods
- Flashlight - recording information acquisition online
- Michael Schulte-Mecklenbeck, Ryan O. Murphy, Florian Hutzler
- Computers in Human Behavior
- The neural time course of art perception: an ERP study on the processing of style versus content in art
- M. Dorothee Augustin, Birgit Defranceschi, Helene K. Fuchs, Claus-Christian Carbon, Florian Hutzler
- Neuropsychologia
- Laying eyes on headlights: eye movements suggest facial features in cars
- Sonja Windhager, Florian Hutzler, Claus-Christian Carbon, Elisabeth Oberzaucher, Katrin Schaefer, Truls Thorstensen, Helmut Leder, Karl Grammer
- Collegium Antropologicum
- Mona Lisa's smile - perception or deception?
- Isabel Bohrn, Claus Christian Carbon, Florian Hutzler
- Psychological Science
- Pseudohomophone effects provide evidence of early lexico-phonological processing in visual word recognition
- Mario Braun, Florian Hutzler, Johannes C. Ziegler, Michael Dambacher, Arthur M Jacobs
- Human Brain Mapping
- On the specificities of the inverted-optimal viewing position effect and their implications on models of eye movement control during reading
- Florian Hutzler, Mario Braun, Arthur M. Jacobs
- Brain Research
- Developmental dyslexia: Gray matter abnormalities in the occipitotemporal cortex
- Martin Kronbichler, Heinz Wimmer, Wolfgang Staffen, Florian Hutzler, Alois Mair, Gunther Ladurner
- Human Brain Mapping
- Style follows content: on the microgenesis of art perception
- M. Dorothee Augustin, Helmut Leder, Florian Hutzler, Claus-Christian Carbon
- Acta Psychologica
- The coupling of emotion and cognition in the eye: Introducing the pupil old/new effect
- Melissa L.H. Võ, Arthur M. Jacobs, Lars Kuchinke, Markus Hofmann, Markus Conrad, Annekathrin Schacht, Florian Hutzler
- Psychophysiology
- Welcome to the real world: validating fixation-related brain potentials for ecologically valid settings
- Florian Hutzler, Mario Braun, Melissa L-H Võ, Verena Engl, Markus Hofmann, Michael Dambacher, Helmut Leder, Arthur M. Jacobs
- Brain Research
- Taxi vs. taksi: On orthographic word recognition in the left ventral occipitotemporal cortex
- Martin Kronbichler, Jürgen Bergmann, Florian Hutzler, Wolfgang Staffen, Alois Mair, Gunther Ladurner, Heinz Wimmer
- Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience
- Evidence for a dysfunction of left posterior reading areas in German dyslexic readers
- Martin Kronbichler, Florian Hutzler, Wolfgang Staffen, Alois Mair, Gunther Ladurner, Heinz Wimmer
- Neuropsychologia
- Does the frequency of the antecedent noun affect the resolution of pronominal anaphors? An ERP study
- Angela Heine, Sascha Tamm, Markus Hofmann, Florian Hutzler, Arthur M. Jacobs
- Neuroscience Letters
- Model-generated lexical activity predicts graded ERP amplitudes in lexical decision
- Mario Braun, Arthur M. Jacobs, Anja Hahne, Brigitte Ricker, Markus Hofmann, Florian Hutzler
- Brain Research
- Perhaps correlational but not causal: No effect of dyslexic readers' magnocellular system on their eye movements during reading
- Florian Hutzler, Martin Kronbichler, Arthur M. Jacobs, Heinz Wimmer
- Neuropsychologia
- Dem Geist auf der Spur: Neurokognitive Methoden zur Messung von Lern- und Gedächtnisprozessen
- Arthur M. Jacobs, Florian Hutzler, Verena Engl
- Zeitschrift fur Erziehungswissenschaft
- Innovativeness in design investigated by eye movements and pupillometry
- Claus-Christian Carbon, Florian Hutzler, Michael Minge
- Psychology Science
- Orthografie oder Orthographie?: Lesen nach der Rechtschreibreform - eine Blickbewegungsstudie
- Verena Engl, Florian Hutzler, Arthur M Jacobs, Melissa L H Vo, Mario Braun
- Zeitschrift fur Psychologie
- Developmental dyslexia in a regular orthography: A single case study
- Kristina Moll, Florian Hutzler, Heinz Wimmer
- Neurocase
- Effects of syllable-frequency in lexical decision and naming: An eye-movement study
- Florian Hutzler, Markus Conrad, Arthur M. Jacobs
- Brain and Language
- How is dysfluent reading reflected in the ERP?
- Jürgen Bergmann, Florian Hutzler, Wolfgang Klimesch, Heinz Wimmer
- Journal of Neurolinguistics
- Frequency Effects with Visual Words and Syllables in a Dyslexic Reader
- Prisca Stenneken, Markus Conrad, Florian Hutzler, Mario Braun, Arthur M Jacobs
- Behavioural Neurology
- Inhibitory effects of first syllable-frequency in lexical decision: An event-related potential study
- Florian Hutzler, Jürgen Bergmann, Markus Conrad, Martin Kronbichler, Prisca Stenneken, Arthur M. Jacobs
- Neuroscience Letters
- Eye movements of dyslexic children when reading in a regular orthography
- Florian Hutzler, Heinz Wimmer
- Brain and Language
- The visual word form area and the frequency with which words are encountered: Evidence from a parametric fMRI study
- Martin Kronbichler, Florian Hutzler, Heinz Wimmer, Alois Mair, Wolfgang Staffen, Gunther Ladurner
- NeuroImage
- Do current connectionist learning models account for reading development in different languages?
- Florian Hutzler, Johannes C. Ziegler, Conrad Perry, Heinz Wimmer, Marco Zorzi
- Cognition
- Children with dyslexia and right parietal lobe dysfunction: event-related potentials in response to words and pseudowords
- Heinz Wimmer, Florian Hutzler, Christian Wiener
- Neuroscience Letters
- Dyslexia: Verbal impairments in the absence of magnocellular impairments
- Martin Kronbichler, Florian Hutzler, Heinz Wimmer
- NeuroReport
- Alpha and beta band power changes in normal and dyslexic children
- Wolfgang Klimesch, Michael Doppelmayr, Heinz Wimmer, Walter Gruber, Dietmar Röhm, Josef Schwaiger, Florian Hutzler
- Clinical Neurophysiology