
This page lists papers that came out of the Reach & Touch Lab. For papers that originated from our group members' previous positions and individual collaborations, please refer to individual Team pages.

Image: Simon Haigermoser
Image: Simon Haigermoser

To place our work in context...

...take a look at these review papers, which place our work in the perspective of other research:



Motor Imagery Enhances Performance Beyond the Imagined Action
Magdalena Gippert , Pei-Cheng Shih, Tobias Heed, Ian Spencer Howard, Mina Jamshidi Idaji, Arno Villringer, Bernhard Sehm, Vadim V. Nikulin
Limb, not touch location, is coded in 3D space
Tobias Heed, Julia Burbach, Nele Rödenbeck, Boukje Habets, Patrick Xaver Fuchs


Exploring the response code in a compatibility effect between physical size and left/right responses: The hand is more important than location
Christian Seegelke, Melanie Richter, Tobias Heed, Peter Wühr
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance
Dynamic spatial coding in parietal cortex mediates tactile-motor transformation
Janina Klautke, Celia Foster, W. Pieter Medendorp, Tobias Heed
Nature Communications
Prior movement of one arm facilitates motor adaptation in the other
Magdalena Gippert, S. Leupold, Tobias Heed, I. S. Howard, A. Villringer, V. V. Nikulin, B. Sehm
Journal of Neuroscience
Tactile training facilitates infants' ability to reach to targets on the body
Eszter Somogyi, Mollie Hamilton, Lisa K. Chinn, Lisa Jacquey, Tobias Heed, Matej Hoffmann, Jeffrey J. Lockman, Jacqueline Fagard, J. Kevin O'Regan
Child Development
The hands' default location guides tactile spatial selectivity
Stephanie Badde, Tobias Heed
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America


Allocation of visuospatial attention indexes evidence accumulation for reach decisions
Carolin Schonard, Tobias Heed, Christian Seegelke
Protracted development of visuo-proprioceptive integration for uni-and bimanual motor coordination
Marie Martel, José P. Ossandón, Boukje Habets, Tobias Heed
Illusory tactile movement crosses arms and legs and is coded in external space
Marie Martel, Xaver Fuchs, Jörg Trojan, Valerie Gockel, Boukje Habets, Tobias Heed
The macaque ventral intraparietal area has expanded into three homologue human parietal areas
Celia Foster, Wei-An Sheng, Tobias Heed, Suliann Ben Hamed
Progress in Neurobiology


Repetition effects in action planning reflect effector- but not hemisphere-specific coding
Christian Seegelke, Carolin Schonard, Tobias Heed
Journal of Neurophysiology


External location of touch is constructed post-hoc based on limb choice
Femke Maij, Christian Seegelke, W. Pieter Medendorp, Tobias Heed
Online Sensory Feedback During Active Search Improves Tactile Localization
Xaver Fuchs, Dirk U. Wulff, Tobias Heed
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance


Tool Use: Two Mechanisms but One Experience
Tobias Heed
Current Biology
Alpha-band oscillations reflect external spatial coding for tactile stimuli in sighted, but not in congenitally blind humans
Jonathan T.W. Schubert, Verena N. Buchholz, Julia Föcker, Andreas K. Engel, Brigitte Röder, Tobias Heed
Scientific Reports
Feeling a Touch to the Hand on the Foot
Stephanie Badde, Brigitte Röder, Tobias Heed
Current Biology


Which limb is it? Responses to vibrotactile stimulation in early infancy
Eszter Somogyi, Lisa Jacquey, Tobias Heed, Matej Hoffmann, Jeffrey J. Lockman, Lionel Granjon, Jacqueline Fagard, J. Kevin O'Regan
British Journal of Developmental Psychology


Abstract spatial, but not body-related, visual information guides bimanual coordination
Janina Brandes, Farhad Rezvani, Tobias Heed
Scientific Reports


Functional versus effector-specific organization of the human posterior parietal cortex: Revisited
Tobias Heed, Frank T.M. Leone, Ivan Toni, W. Pieter Medendorp
Journal of Neurophysiology
Disentangling the external reference frames relevant to tactile localization
Tobias Heed, Jenny Backhaus, Brigitte Röder, Stephanie Badde
Neural correlates of tactile perception during pre-, peri-, and post-movement
Georgiana Juravle, Tobias Heed, Charles Spence, Brigitte Röder
Experimental Brain Research


Oscillatory activity reflects differential use of spatial reference frames by sighted and blind individuals in tactile attention
Jonathan T.W. Schubert, Verena N. Buchholz, Julia Föcker, Andreas K. Engel, Brigitte Röder, Tobias Heed
Irrelevant tactile stimulation biases visual exploration in external coordinates
Jose P. Ossandon, Peter König, Tobias Heed
Scientific Reports
Tactile remapping: From coordinate transformation to integration in sensorimotor processing
Tobias Heed, Verena N. Buchholz, Andreas K. Engel, Brigitte Röder
Trends in Cognitive Sciences
Flexibly weighted integration of tactile reference frames
Stephanie Badde, Brigitte Röder, Tobias Heed


Development of the spatial coding of touch: Ability vs. automaticity
Brigitte Röder, Tobias Heed, Stephanie Badde
Developmental Science
Understanding effector selectivity in human posterior parietal cortex by combining information patterns and activation measures
Frank T.M. Leoné, Tobias Heed, Ivan Toni, W. Pieter Medendorp
Journal of Neuroscience
Processing load impairs coordinate integration for the localization of touch
Stephanie Badde, Tobias Heed, Brigitte Röder
Attention, Perception & Psychophysics
Multiple spatial representations determine touch localization on the fingers
Stephanie Badde, Brigitte Röder, Tobias Heed
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance
Somatosensation: Putting touch on the map
Tobias Heed
Current Biology


Multisensory integration across the menstrual cycle
Sebastian Ocklenburg, Claudia C. Wolf, Tobias Heed, Anna Ball, Holger Cramer, Brigitte Röder, Onur Güntürkün
Frontiers in Psychology


Integration of hand and finger location in external spatial coordinates for tactile localization
Tobias Heed, Jenny Backhaus, Brigitte Röder
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance


Visuotactile interactions in the congenitally acallosal brain: Evidence for early cerebral plasticity
Claudia C. Wolf, Anna Ball, Sebastian Ocklenburg, Tobias Otto, Tobias Heed, Brigitte Röder, Onur Güntürkün
Visual information and rubber hand embodiment differentially affect reach-to-grasp actions
Tobias Heed, Michael Gründler, Jennifer Rinkleib, Franziska H. Rudzik, Thérèse Collins, Edward Cooke, J. Kevin O'regan
Acta Psychologica
Functional rather than effector-specific organization of human posterior parietal cortex
Tobias Heed, Sabine M. Beurze, Ivan Toni, Brigitte Röder, W. Pieter Medendorp
Journal of Neuroscience


Others' actions reduce crossmodal integration in peripersonal space
Tobias Heed, Boukje Habets, Natalie Sebanz, Günther Knoblich
Current Biology
The neural basis of lip-reading capabilities is altered by early visual deprivation
Lisa Putzar, Ines Goerendt, Tobias Heed, Gisbert Richard, Christian Büchel, Brigitte Röder
Eye-movement-driven changes in the perception of auditory space
Thérèse Collins, Tobias Heed, Brigitte Röder
Attention, Perception & Psychophysics
Visual target selection and motor planning define attentional enhancement at perceptual processing stages
Thérèse Collins, Tobias Heed, Brigitte Röder
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience
Presaccadic attention interferes with feature detection
Thérèse Collins, Tobias Heed, Karine Doré-Mazars, Brigitte Röder
Experimental Brain Research


Change of reference frame for tactile localization during child development
Birthe Pagel, Tobias Heed, Brigitte Röder
Developmental Science


Action goal selection and motor planning can be dissociated by tool use
Thérèse Collins, Tobias Schicke, Brigitte Röder
On the relationship between slow cortical potentials and BOLD signal changes in humans
Patrick Khader, Tobias Schicke, Brigitte Röder, Frank Rösler
International Journal of Psychophysiology


Developmental vision determines the reference frame for the multisensory control of action
Brigitte Röder, Anna Kusmierek, Charles Spence, Tobias Schicke
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America


Spatial remapping of touch: Confusion of percieved stimulus order across hand and foot
Tobias Schicke, Brigitte Rôder
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Tight covariation of BOLD signal changes and slow ERPs in the parietal cortex in a parametric spatial imagery task with haptic acquisition
Tobias Schicke, Lars Muckli, Anton L. Beer, Michael Wibral, Wolf Singer, Rainer Goebel, Frank Rösler, Brigitte Röder
European Journal of Neuroscience


Influence of visual information on the auditory median plane of the head
Tobias Schicke, Lisa Demuth, Brigitte Röder


Word order effects in German sentences and German pseudo-word sentences
Brigitte Röder, Tobias Schicke, Oliver Stock, Gwen Heberer, Helen Neville, Frank Rösler
Sprache and Kognition