Open Science

Open hypotheses, data, and code

We support "open science”, preregsitration, preprints. Here you can find published code and data. Here is a list of recent articles and preprints that adhere to open science principles.

Image: Simon Haigermoser
Image: Simon Haigermoser
  • Martel, Fuchs, Trojan, Gockel, Habets & Heed, 2022, Cortex:
    Illusory tactile movement crosses arms and legs and is coded in external space

    Data and Code

  • Schonard, Heed, Seegelke, 2022, bioRxiv:
    Allocation of visuospatial attention indexes evidence accumulation for reach decisions

    Data and Code

  • Seegelke, Schonard, Heed, 2021, Journal of Neurophysiology:
    Repetition effects in action selection reflect effector- but not hemisphere-specific coding

    Data and Code

  • Maij, Seegelke, Medendorp, Heed, 2020, eLife:
    External location of touch is constructed post-hoc based on limb choice

    Data and Code

  • Fuchs, Wulff & Heed, 2020, Journal of Experimental Psychology:
    Online sensory feedback during active search improves tactile localization

    Data and Code

  • Ossandón, König & Heed, 2020, Journal of Neuroscience:
    Spatially modulated alpha-band activity does not mediate tactile remapping and fast overt orienting behavior

    Data and Code

  • Heed, Lajoie & Marigold, 2019, PLOS One:
    No effect of triple-pulse TMS medial to intraparietal sulcus on online correction for target perturbations during goal-directed hand and foot reaches


  • Martel et al., Preprint:
    Protracted development of visuo-proprioceptive integration for uni-and bimanual motor coordination

    Data and Code

  • Badde, Röder & Heed, 2019, Current Biology:
    Feeling a Touch to the Hand on the Foot

    Data and Code

  • Brandes, Rezvani & Heed, 2017, Scientific Reports:
    Abstract spatial, but not body-related, visual information guides bimanual coordination

    Data and Code

  • Schubert et al., 2017, PLOS One:
    Task demands affect spatial reference frame weighting during tactile localization in sighted and congenitally blind adults

    Data and Code

  • Heed et al., 2016, PLOS One:
    Disentangling the External Reference Frames Relevant to Tactile Localization

    Data and Code