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We investigate basic appetitive mechanisms to understand overeating and food craving and also develop respective interventions.
Main research topics
Assessment of and intervention on eating behavior and related health behavior such as...
- eating disorder symptoms (i.e., binge eating, restriction)
- food related approach-avoidance tendencies
- eating behaviors/styles (i.e., emotional eating, stress eating, restrictive eating)
- intention behavior gaps
- food cue reactivity and food craving
- physical activity
...in healthy, overweight and eating disordered individuals. We investigate these topics with a range of different methods including smartphone-based ambulatory assessments and interventions, computerized behavioral tasks (i.e., approach avoidance task, idiosyncratic emotional food task, food decision task), tracking of physical activity, and psychophysiological measures including EEG and fMRI.
Further information
You can currently find further information about our team, research, publications and ressources here.